Archive for the ‘Alle Beitr’ Category

Die vier Typen von “Ich-liebe-Dich”-Sagern

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Die vier Typen von “Ich-liebe-Dich”-Sagern

Es gibt vier wichtige Momente in einer Beziehung zwischen zwei Liebenden: die erste Begegnung, der erste Kuss, das erste Mal Sex. Und jetzt der vielleicht dramatischste Punkt: Das erste Mal “Ich liebe dich” sagen. Und genau da hat unsere Kolumnistin vier Typen von “Ich-liebe-Dich”-Sagern ausgemacht.

In einer perfekten Welt könnten wir „Ich liebe dich“ sagen und es einfach so stehen lassen, ohne etwas zu erwarten oder zu befürchten. Wir wären frei zu kommen und zu gehen, den Anderen zu berühren, zu beschenken, zu bekochen und mit Blumen zu übersäen, wann immer uns danach wäre.

In einer freien Welt wäre uns das lächelnde Gesicht des Lieblingsmenschen nach einer Liebeserklärung genug, und falls die Reaktion keine positive wäre, falls der Mensch nicht lächeln würde, weil er unsere Liebe nicht will, sie ihm zuviel ist, ihn erdrückt und seine Version eines glücklichen Lebens uns nicht mit einschließt, tja, dann wäre – gar nichts. Es wäre kein Weltuntergang.

Wir wären vielleicht etwas traurig, aber nicht lange, denn unsere Liebe wäre etwas, was uns keiner nehmen könnte, ein Schatz, der von keiner Reaktion abhängig wäre. Unsere Liebe wäre uns genug. „Ich liebe dich, was geht es dich an?“, würden wir denken und leichten Herzens weiterziehen.

Ich gebe zu: Diese Welt existiert nicht. Zumindest sind wir Menschen nicht so perfekt. Die größte Angst, die Menschen in Beziehungen umtreibt ist, so glaube ich, nicht die, zuviel zu geben. Es ist vielmehr die Angst, zu kurz zu kommen, zuwenig zurückzubekommen, am Ende mit leeren Händen und blutendem Herzen dazustehen und sich zum Narren gemacht zu haben.

Doch: Hat Einer, der sich nie zum Narren halten ließ, wirklich gelebt? Ist der, der mit seinen Gefühlen haushaltet und seine guten Taten aufrechnet, nach dem Prinzip: „Wie viel springt unterm Strich für mich heraus?“, ist so ein Mensch wirklich zu beneiden? Oder demonstriert er nicht viel eher seine innere Armut?

Wer viel besitzt, kann viel geben und mit Besitz sind hier sicherlich keine Häuser, Autos und schöne Pferdepflegerinnen gemeint.

Es gibt verschiedene Typen von „Ich liebe dich“-Sagern. Eine der unangenehmsten ist der ökonomische Typ. Nennen wir ihn Horst. Horst hat sich verknallt und seine warmen Worte sind seine Waffe. Wenn wir uns gegenseitig unsere Liebe mit Worten bekunden, stärkt das unsere Bindung, denkt Horst. Sein „Ich liebe dich“ ist eine kurze Leine. Sagt seine Freundin „Ich liebe dich auch“, kann er fortan mehr von ihr erwarten. Dann gehört sie ihm mit Haut und Haaren. Horst sagt niemals als erster „Ich liebe dich“ und wenn, dann muss seine Angebetete sofort selbiges kundtun, sonst wird er nervös. Sonst geht seine Kosten-Nutzen-Kalkulation nicht auf.

Horst will kein Risiko eingehen, schließlich hat Horst nichts zu verschenken. Das merkt man ihm an. Wer einen Horst liebt, kann sich auf der sicheren Seite wiegen, solange er die Wa(h)re Liebe immer sofort zurückzahlt. Horst ist ein armer Mann. Doch er kann nicht anders. Er hat Angst.

Der zweite Typ, ebenfalls eher gewöhnungsbedürftig, ist der notorische „Ich liebe dich“-Sager. Nennen wir ihn Ernst. Ernst sagt es andauernd, weil er glaubt, dass es dadurch wahrer werden würde. Jedes Telefonat, jedes noch so alltägliche Geplänkel an der Tiefkühltheke, muss bei ihm in die drei berüchtigten Worte münden.

Leider wird er nervös, wenn seine Freundin ihr Herz nicht gleichermaßen auf der Zunge trägt. Seine Liebeserklärungen sind inflationär und leider verlieren sie dadurch auch an Wert und Gewicht. Ernst nennt seine Freundin auch gern Schatzi, Spatzerl oder Mausezähnchen. Andere lächeln über ihn. Aber Ernst kann nicht anders. Er hat Angst. Tief im Inneren fürchtet er nichts so sehr, als eines Tages ein „Ich dich nicht, und zwar ganz im Ernst“ zu hören. Dabei fordert er diese Reaktion geradezu heraus. Ernst nervt. Total.

Der dritte Typ ist der verhinderte „Ich liebe dich“-Sager. Er ist ein verkopfter Mensch, nennen wir ihn Ludwig. Ludwig macht sich zu viele Gedanken, er weiß selbstverständlich über die Lächerlichkeit und Tragik von Typen wie Horst und Ernst. Leider führt das viele Nachdenken bei ihm zu einer Unfähigkeit in der Tat. Selbst wenn er liebt, sprich eher handeln als grübeln sollte, möchte er unter keinen Umständen einen Fehler begehen. Also schweigt er in den entscheidenden Momenten, in denen er mit seiner Freundin zusammensitzt und alles in ihm schreit „Die und sonst keine“. „Das ist nur eine biochemische Reaktion meines Körpers!“, denkt Ludwig, „ich muss erst wieder nüchtern werden, das muss alles noch analysiert werden.“

Ludwig kann einem Leid tun, doch er kann nicht anders. Ludwig denkt immer zuviel an Morgen und Gestern. Er hat Angst. Darum ist er in Wahrheit am liebsten alleine oder noch besser unglücklich verliebt, denn da kann er sich reinsteigern, ohne wirklich Stellung beziehen zu müssen.

Horst, Ernst und Ludwig sind Stellvertreter. Wir sind ihnen Allen schon einmal begegnet und Teile von ihnen stecken in jedem von uns. Doch zum Glück tragen wir alle auch einen Hans in uns.

Hans ist es egal, was die Anderen denken, Hans erwartet nichts von anderen. Wenn Hans verliebt ist, dann sagt er es, denn er lebt nur im Moment und dem ist er was schuldig. Er liebt bedingungslos und seine Liebe steckt in jeder seiner Handbewegungen und in jedem seiner Schritte. Er braucht nichts. Er hat alles.

Hans ist frei und seine Liebe ist es auch. In seiner Gegenwart wird einem warm, er ist in Kontakt mit etwas, dass so neidisch machen kann, weil man es mit Geld nicht kaufen kann. Hans ist vielleicht nicht der beständigste, aber er ist sich selbst immer treu. Wer von einem Hans geliebt wird, ist gesegnet, wer einen Hans lieben kann, ist glücklich.

Darum heißt mein Hans-Im-Glück-Vorsatz für heute: Heiß und innig zu lieben, komme was wolle. Wie steht es mit Ihnen?

Von Johanna Merhof


HNA, die Armut ist überall

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Fritz Ide gründete Verein zur Unterstützung von Projekten in Vietnam und Laos

Werkel. Christian Ide hilft den Ärmsten der Armen. Der 36-Jährige aus Werkel ist seit zwei Jahren Entwicklungshelfer in Vietnam. Sein Vater Fritz Ide, Richter a. D., hat jetzt mit Gleichgesinnten einen Förderverein gegründet, um die vielen Projekte seines Sohnes zu unterstützen. Der Verein heißt Save the Children’s Souls (engl.: Rettet die Kinderseelen) und ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt. Spendenquittungen können ausgestellt werden.

Der Alltag ist hart: Christian Ide versucht den Menschen in Vietnam und Laos mit vielen Projekten zu helfen.
Die Unterstützung soll durch Geldspenden erfolgen. Aber auch Kooperationen von Unternehmen, Handwerkern und engagierten Menschen seien willkommen, sagt Fritz Ide.

100 Prozent für Projekte
Er garantiere, dass 100 Prozent des Geldes auch in die jeweiligen Projekte fließen. Wie einfach man den Menschen helfen kann, verdeutlicht das Kuh-Projekt. Christian Ide hat zu Beginn seines Entwicklungsdienstes eine Kuh gekauft und an eine bedürftige Familie ausgeliehen.
Dort liefert sie Milch und hilft bei der Arbeit. Sobald ein Kälbchen geboren wird, geht dieses in den Besitz einer anderen Familie über.

Mittlerweile haben mehr als 30 Familien rund um Hating, das ist die Stadt in der Christian Ide arbeitet, eine eigene Kuh. Fritz Ide möchte weitere Projekte vorstellen, für die man sich engagieren und mit Geld unterstützen kann.

• Bewässerungsanlage: Das Klima im Süden Vietnams würde bis zu drei Ernten jährlich ermöglichen. Stattdessen ernten die Landwirte lediglich einmal. Es fehlt Wasser. Eine alte Bewässerungsanlage sei zwar vorhanden, aber nahezu unbrauchbar. Für wenige tausend Euro ließen sich die Felder mit Wasser versorgen.

• Schulbau: Seit vielen Monaten setzt sich Christian Ide für einen Schulbau ein. Mit Unterstützung der Unesco ist ihm dies jetzt gelungen.

Schule bauen
Nur etwa 7000 Euro hat der Neubau gekostet, bis zuletzt wurden die Kinder in einem Bretterverschlag unterrichtet. Derzeit lernen sie zwar mit einem Dach über dem Kopf, aber auf dem Boden sitzend. Es fehlt an Stühlen, Tischen, Tafeln und anderer Ausstattung.

„Wir wollen den Menschen helfen, sich selbst zu helfen“, sagt Fritz Ide. Auf der Internetseite des Vereins kann man sich über die Projekte informieren und mit Christian und Fritz Ide Kontakt aufnehmen. Gründungsmitglieder sind unter anderem: Fritz Ide, Sandra Freitag, Anja Schmuck, Jutta Heidenreich. • Kontakt: Fritz Ide, Tel. 056223793. • Spendenkonto: Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder, Kto. 110011228 BLZ: 52052154

Von Damai D. Dewert


„Weltwärts mit dem DED“

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Mit seinem Programm „weltwärts mit dem DED“ bietet der DED jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit, einen zwölfmonatigen Freiwilligeneinsatz in einem der Partnerländer des DED zu leisten. Dadurch können sie von und mit anderen lernen und durch persönliches Engagement selbst Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung übernehmen. „weltwärts mit dem DED“ richtet sich speziell an junge Erwachsene im Alter zwischen 18 und 23 Jahren und zielt darauf ab, ihnen die Gelegenheit zu eröffnen, durch direkte Mitarbeit in den Partnerstrukturen des DED interkulturelle, fachliche und persönliche Erfahrungen in der EZ zu sammeln, sowie Landeskenntnisse und soziale Kompetenzen für das Leben und Arbeiten in einer anderen Kultur zu erwerben.

Dabei sind die Freiwilligen in die Partnerorganisationen des DED eingebunden und arbeiten gemeinsam mit lokalen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in einem der Projekte mit. Die Einsatzplätze der Freiwilligen sind sehr vielfältig. Sie umfassen die Bereiche Bildung, Gesundheit, Soziales, Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz, Kultur und Sport, Handwerk und Technik, Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden.

In folgenden Ländern können Freiwillige mit dem DED zur Zeit einen weltwärts-Dienst absolvieren:

Asien: Indonesien, Kambodscha, Laos, Mongolei, Nepal, Philippinen, Tadschikistan, Thailand, Vietnam;

Lateinamerika: Bolivien, Brasilien, Dominikanische Republik, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru;

Östl. und Südl. Afrika: Äthiopien, Lesotho, Malawi, Mosambik, Namibia, Sambia, Südafrika, Uganda;

West- und Zentralafrika: Benin, Burkina Faso, Kamerun, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Ruanda, Togo.

Ein Einsatz in andere als die aufgeführten Länder ist mit dem DED nicht möglich.

2009 haben rund 600 Freiwillige ihren Dienst über den DED in den Partnerländern aufgenommen. Ziel für 2010 ist es, 850 junge Erwachsene als weltwärts-Freiwillige zu entsenden. Der weltwärts-Einsatz mit dem DED kann als Anderer Dienst im Ausland (ADiA) anerkannt werden.

Für Berufseinsteiger sowie Fach- und Hochschulabsolventen bis zu einem Alter von 28 Jahren bietet der DED außerdem ein Stipendien-Programm an. Mehr über die Voraussetzungen für eine Tätigkeit als Entwicklungsstipendiat erfahren Sie auf der Seite Nachwuchsförderung.




Vietnam, Areas of German Development Cooperation

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

DED’s activities are part of the overall Vietnamese-German bilateral cooperation. The following priority areas have been agreed between the Vietnamese and the German government:

  • Sustainable Economic Development
  • Environmental Policy, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
  • Health Care

Cooperation is based on the Vietnamese Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy, which has been recently incorporated into the Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2006 – 2010 of the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).

Our Commitment .  

Within the three priority areas of Vietnamese-German bilateral development cooperation, DED assigns experts as advisors to Vietnamese partner organizations. DED specializes in the following fields:

  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Waste Water and Solid Waste Management
  • Health and Disability

In order to harness additional resources for the improvement of living conditions and quality of life in Vietnam, we also work in the following fields:

  • Development Partnerships with Vietnamese Enterprises
  • Civil Society and Good Local Governance

Please see Fields of Work for details.



My streetchild project with Jajasan Setara.

Monday, September 27th, 2010


2.1. Profile of Semarang City

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java, which is one of the big cities in Indonesia. Semarang becomes the center of the government, trade, and industry in the province. The geographical location of the Semarang city is in the north of Central Java coast by position in 6,5-7,10 of parallel south and in 10,5-10,35 of longitude east. Total area is 37,366.84 hectares or 373.7 km.

Semarang has a contrast region, in which has lowland (less than 10 meter from sea level and the range of hill area, which has height more than 100 meter from the sea surface. Therefore, the Semarang city is categorized into two territories, which are upper city and the low city. Semarang city is divided into 16 sub districts and 177 districts administratively.

Based on the results of the population registration in 2006, the population of Semarang city was 1,434,025 inhabitants with population growth during 2006 of 1.02% (BPS, 2007).
2.2. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Semarang is exist both the children from the city of Semarang themselves and children from outside of the city who become victims in Semarang. Child prostitution in Semarang is one of CSEC forms that is very prominent. Trafficking of children for sexual purposes has also occurred. Semarang, in addition as sending area, it is also as transit area and receiving area. Although the case of pornography it is not prominent or not much revealed, but it has also occurred in Semarang that caused children as victims.

Various studies in Semarang that are related to CSEC which are success gathered by the research team is more focus to the form of the child prostitution and child trafficking for sexual purposes (see for example, Shalahuddin, 2000: Shalahuddin, 2004; Prabandari, 2004; ILO-IPEC, 2004; Suyanto, 2002; Ursbanki, 2006). While the study on child pornography, until this report is prepared, has not been found.

2.2.1. Child Prostitution
Child prostitution is one of CSEC forms, which is very prominent in Semarang. The existence of children who have been being prostituted in Semarang is suspected has taken place old, but there is no available written information concerning this case. Shalahuddin (2004) revealed in the early 90’s, the existence of prostituted children have been shown in the public space, particularly in around of Simpang Lima area. In the period, there were two big groups usually gathered in the close place that is around the Field of Simpang Lima and in Pahlawan Street. Based on the observation of the Semarang Street Children Association, there was recorded 57 children who have been being prostituted in Simpang Lima area in 1997, who were student in Junior High School and Senior High School. Study of Setara Foundation in 1999 (Shalahuddin, 2000) about the female street children in Semarang, recorded that 46,4% female street children had been plunged into prostitution.

Similar to some areas , there is a special term for the child who is prostituted in Semarang that is ciblek. This term is taken from the name of an agile little bird and likes to chirp in the early 90’s and Semarang community enjoyed it. Ciblek is also the abbreviation from cilik-cilik betah melek (Kecil-kecil suka bergadang) or children like to stay awake until night. Then, other term emerged, that is cilik-cilik isa digemblak (Kecil-kecil bisa menjadi simpanan) or children can be a little mistress. There is another term for adult women, it is prenjak which is taken also from a name of bird. It is the abbreviation from perempuan nunggu diajak (women who were waiting to be asked) or also the abbreviation from perempuan ngajak kenthu/bersenggama (women ask for having sex). The both of terms replace the term warrior, which is formerly used to indicate of commercial sexual worker in the street (both children and adults).

Since the middle of 1998 until 2001, the existence of children who are prostituted is prominent. This is related to the existence of children who are prostituted in the street, particularly in Simpang Lima area, where as the centre of the Semarang city and all along Pemuda Street, which is the central region of the Government.

The Harian Kompas newspaper (on July 9 2001) in its report concerning street prostitution in Semarang showed the estimated number of commercial sexual worker who operate in the streets, as follows:
a. Around Simpang Lima : Approximately 50-70 people
b. Pandanaran Street : Approximately 50 people
c. Ahmad Yani Street : Approximately 20 people
d. Pemuda Street : Approximately 20 people

(As a note, in this report called Simpang Lima area includes around of Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street, and Ahmad Yani Street)

Based on the age, can be grouped:
a. Age under 14 years: 30%
b. Age 14 – 17 years: 50%
c. Age 17 – 20 years: 20%

Refers to classification on the age of those who are in street prostitution, the number of people who are still in the age limits of children is more than 80%. The number of children who are prostituted compares to adults also revealed in the quick study, which are carried out by IPEC-ILO in Semarang (2004). This study reveals 70% of the commercial sexual workers who operate in the street are children. This study also shows other locations which are cafes where the presence of children also prominent, it reaches 50%. Overall, it is estimated 2.237 of the commercial sexual workers in Semarang and almost half of it is children who are prostituted.

Based on the observation of Setara Foundation, the spreading prostitution in the street has been begun since the middle of 1998 when the Government of the Semarang City closed the brothels/ Sunan Kuning and Gambilangu Resos (Social Rehabilitation). Due to this closing, the commercial sexual workers moved to the streets in Semarang. Another factor that also influences is condition of economic crisis, which is worse. Thousands of workers in the industrial sector were fired. In order to fulfill the cost of living, for women become the commercial sexual prostitution is one of alternatives they can do. On the other hand, Setara Foundation pays close attention that the existence of the commercial sexual prostitution in the streets have a bad impact to female street children. Children, especially those live in the street have direct contact with the commercial sexual prostitution, the brokers, and the pimps. There are plunging female street children in the prostitution. The prostituted children also affect others children to be trapped into prostitution.

The closing of the brothels is not effective. In fact, not in a long time, both of brothels are re-opening the practice of prostitution although not having the regulation legally or otherwise is illegal. It is a surprising because the number of sexual workers is more than before closing. A social worker who works in the Sunan Kuning said that based on the data they have the number of brokers and commercial sexual worker is rising. Before Sunan Kuning was closed, it had 147 pimps and 350 commercial sexual workers. After re-opening, the amounts of them are increased to 150 pimps and 509 commercial sexual workers (Solopos 19 July 1999).

The practice of prostitution illegally in the red light areas without controlling and service from the state enable the children become the victims of CSEC by plunging them in the practice of prostitution. ILO-IPEC (2004) estimated 20% of commercial sexual worker in Sunan Kuning is children.

The existence of children who are prostituted in Semarang is not only in the streets, the café and prostitution complex, but as well as in the salon, massage parlors, discotheque, hotel, the place of billiards, and karaoke places. Prostituted children are also exist in the hidden practice of prostitution, by meaning not in one certain location nor do activity there but have connection directly with the consumers both personally or being organized.

As the illustration about this, there was revealed the sale of children for prostitution in 2001 by a woman who victimized six children who were studying in Junior High School and Senior High School. Two of these children (13 and 14 years old) are the perpetrator’s daughters. She worked with her friend whom acted as consumer seeker. “Booking” is carried by mobile phone and “orders” will be delivered directly to consumers. The operation areas are not only in Semarang but also to various cities including Jakarta (see Suara Merdeka Newpaper, 20 November 2001 and Kompas, 26 November 2001).

Now, the existences of the child who are prostituted in the public space in Semarang are not so prominent. In the area of Simpang Lima (especially around the the Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street and Ahmad Yani Street) which are the center of the crowd city, originally prostituted children are easily to be found. They usually are in the stalls of teapot (it is also called as pocinan) which are spreading since the economic crisis. However, the policy of the city government that makes serious effort to make this region is clean from the stall of teapot where as work place of prostitute children, apparently have succeeded. At least, the existence of the teapot stalls is not easy to be found.

Based on this situation, children who are prostituted in Simpang Lima changes their work pattern by riding motorcycle and using the service of brokers / intermediaries. This pattern means to avoid the arrest of the unit of the civil service’s police (Satpol PP).

Thing that need to be paid attention is the plunging children into prostitution in the hidden places and can only be accessed in limited. Thus, it needs the ability to uncover this kind of practice to save the children also do various prevention efforts so that children will not become victims.
2.2.2. Child Pornography

So far, there is no available data or dept information about the situation of child pornography in Semarang. Quarrying the information to various informants in the field of research more reveals the existence of internet cafes, which provides pornographic materials in the folders on their computer so that it is easy to be accessed by the consumers (including children) without accessing through internet. Information on pornography cases include the children in Semarang is not able to be traced and still can not be proven.

The research team gets information that in a settlement where one of program location of Setara Foundation, there is is a child who becomes the victim of pornography. The recording about the pornographic film, which is recorded by mobile phone, has been distributed by her boyfriend. When trying to contact the child, her family did not wan to give any information. According to the information from her neighbors, the child has been evacuated by her family to an unknown location.

Based on the information from the subjects of research, four subjects had been the victims of pornography. One subject was only victims of pornography, but not being victim of other forms of CSEC, while three others subjects besides becoming the victims of pornography, they also become victims of prostitution.

Nn (16 years), a female street child admitted she and her friend (15 years old) had been taken nude photos by foreigner who could not speak Indonesia. She was persuaded by her friend and asked to go to a house by taxi. After taking photos, she got Rp. 200,000,00.

Two subjects said they had been taken photos and recorded by their consumer.

(he seemed abnormal. When he was having sex, he took a photo. All women had been taken photos. He showed me the photos…) (Dn, 17 years old)

“It had been recorded by mobile phone. He said it for private collection…” (Jy, 23 years old)

One subject stated that she had worked three times as a semi-naked dancer in a discotheque in Semarang several years earlier.

“I was wearing uniform, red bra, black panties. Then I have to dance on the salon. When the guest gave tips, they did not put the money to my hand, but put into my bra. There was one hundred thousand, one hundred fifty thousand. When there were many guests, I could get tips one and a half million…” (Swr, 23 years old)

According to the cases above, the photography or the recording of the pornography film, which are claimed to private collections, but those things can be wide-spread quickly. Development of the technology enables that, both by mobile phones, which have a facility to send pictures and film or by internet. Various cases of spreading of the pornography material, which are revealed in Indonesia show that the subjects did not know about distribution of these materials.
2.2.3. Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes

Trafficking of children with a variety of exploitation purposes are believed has happened in a long time. However, the issue child trafficking / human trafficking is a new issue which being paid attention since 2000’s.

Indications about the existence of child trafficking particularly for sexual purposes were first raised by Setara Foundation based on its research in 1999 concerning female street children in Semarang. This refers to a case of female street children who were trafficked to Batam region (Shalahuddin, 2000). In the following year, based on the results of monitoring toward the children who became the subject of research formerly, Setara Foundation found 10 of female street children became victims of children trafficking for sexual purposes. In 2003, Setara Foundation recorded there was 14 female street children who were trafficked (Kompas, 13 December 2003). Based on the observed patterns, the recruitment and sending are carried out in small scale. It is usually about 4-6 children. The identified receiving area is Batam region. However, the research of Prabandari (2004) revealed there is the change of pattern and expansion of receiving area. The sending of children who are going to be trafficked involved in quite large number. Each sending from Semarang is in the range of 40-50 people (including children). This pattern shows the children trafficking practices has more been organized. In addition, the sending area is not only to Batam, but extends to Jakarta, Bangka, Surabaya, Kalimantan and foreign countries.

There are children trafficking cases (and women) which are uncovered by the police successfully. At the end of May 2004, District Police of Semarang and Sector Police of Ambarawa successfully arrested children trafficking syndicate (and women) which trafficked the victims into prostitution in Surabaya. The police arrested four members of the syndicate who are from Ambarawa and Surabaya. The rescue process in Surabaya, the police succeeded in saving two children (15 and 17 years old) and nine women who are in range of age between 18-24 years old. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were offered work with the salary Rp. 2,500,000.00 / month (Suara Merdeka, 1 June 2004).

Besides Semarang is the sending area, it is also receiving area for the victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The revealed case is case of two children who are 14 and 16 years old from Wonosobo and a child who is 15 years old from Kendal, which are trafficked to Sunan Kuning’s red light area. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were tempted because they were offered work with big salary by a man whom met them in around the victims’ residence (16 December 2004). The other case that just happened is a child (13 years old) who was raped by four people, and then she was sold and trafficked into prostitution complex in Gambilangu Semarang (Radar Semarang, 1 December 2007).

Based on the cases above, two of brothels in Semarang were legally closed in 1998, but there are practices of prostitution until now. It indicates there is no controlling towards inhabitants of the prostitution complex. In such of situation, it is possible that various children trafficking syndicates for sexual purposes take the chance in this situation.


2.1. Profile of Semarang City

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java, which is one of the big cities in Indonesia. Semarang becomes the center of the government, trade, and industry in the province. The geographical location of the Semarang city is in the north of Central Java coast by position in 6,5-7,10 of parallel south and in 10,5-10,35 of longitude east. Total area is 37,366.84 hectares or 373.7 km.

Semarang has a contrast region, in which has lowland (less than 10 meter from sea level and the range of hill area, which has height more than 100 meter from the sea surface. Therefore, the Semarang city is categorized into two territories, which are upper city and the low city. Semarang city is divided into 16 sub districts and 177 districts administratively.

Based on the results of the population registration in 2006, the population of Semarang city was 1,434,025 inhabitants with population growth during 2006 of 1.02% (BPS, 2007).
2.2. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Semarang is exist both the children from the city of Semarang themselves and children from outside of the city who become victims in Semarang. Child prostitution in Semarang is one of CSEC forms that is very prominent. Trafficking of children for sexual purposes has also occurred. Semarang, in addition as sending area, it is also as transit area and receiving area. Although the case of pornography it is not prominent or not much revealed, but it has also occurred in Semarang that caused children as victims.

Various studies in Semarang that are related to CSEC which are success gathered by the research team is more focus to the form of the child prostitution and child trafficking for sexual purposes (see for example, Shalahuddin, 2000: Shalahuddin, 2004; Prabandari, 2004; ILO-IPEC, 2004; Suyanto, 2002; Ursbanki, 2006). While the study on child pornography, until this report is prepared, has not been found.

2.2.1. Child Prostitution
Child prostitution is one of CSEC forms, which is very prominent in Semarang. The existence of children who have been being prostituted in Semarang is suspected has taken place old, but there is no available written information concerning this case. Shalahuddin (2004) revealed in the early 90’s, the existence of prostituted children have been shown in the public space, particularly in around of Simpang Lima area. In the period, there were two big groups usually gathered in the close place that is around the Field of Simpang Lima and in Pahlawan Street. Based on the observation of the Semarang Street Children Association, there was recorded 57 children who have been being prostituted in Simpang Lima area in 1997, who were student in Junior High School and Senior High School. Study of Setara Foundation in 1999 (Shalahuddin, 2000) about the female street children in Semarang, recorded that 46,4% female street children had been plunged into prostitution.

Similar to some areas , there is a special term for the child who is prostituted in Semarang that is ciblek. This term is taken from the name of an agile little bird and likes to chirp in the early 90’s and Semarang community enjoyed it. Ciblek is also the abbreviation from cilik-cilik betah melek (Kecil-kecil suka bergadang) or children like to stay awake until night. Then, other term emerged, that is cilik-cilik isa digemblak (Kecil-kecil bisa menjadi simpanan) or children can be a little mistress. There is another term for adult women, it is prenjak which is taken also from a name of bird. It is the abbreviation from perempuan nunggu diajak (women who were waiting to be asked) or also the abbreviation from perempuan ngajak kenthu/bersenggama (women ask for having sex). The both of terms replace the term warrior, which is formerly used to indicate of commercial sexual worker in the street (both children and adults).

Since the middle of 1998 until 2001, the existence of children who are prostituted is prominent. This is related to the existence of children who are prostituted in the street, particularly in Simpang Lima area, where as the centre of the Semarang city and all along Pemuda Street, which is the central region of the Government. 

The Harian Kompas newspaper (on July 9 2001) in its report concerning street prostitution in Semarang showed the estimated number of commercial sexual worker who operate in the streets, as follows:

a. Around Simpang Lima  : Approximately 50-70 people
b. Pandanaran Street  : Approximately 50 people
c. Ahmad Yani Street  : Approximately 20 people
d. Pemuda Street   : Approximately 20 people

(As a note, in this report called Simpang Lima area includes around of Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street, and Ahmad Yani Street)

Based on the age, can be grouped:
a. Age under 14 years: 30%
b. Age 14 – 17 years: 50%
c. Age 17 – 20 years: 20%

Refers to classification on the age of those who are in street prostitution, the number of people who are still in the age limits of children is more than 80%. The number of children who are prostituted compares to adults also revealed in the quick study, which are carried out by IPEC-ILO in Semarang (2004). This study reveals 70% of the commercial sexual workers who operate in the street are children. This study also shows other locations which are cafes where the presence of children also prominent, it reaches 50%. Overall, it is estimated 2.237 of the commercial sexual workers in Semarang and almost half of it is children who are prostituted.

Based on the observation of Setara Foundation, the spreading prostitution in the street has been begun since the middle of 1998 when the Government of the Semarang City closed the brothels/ Sunan Kuning and Gambilangu Resos (Social Rehabilitation). Due to this closing, the commercial sexual workers moved to the streets in Semarang. Another factor that also influences is condition of economic crisis, which is worse. Thousands of workers in the industrial sector were fired. In order to fulfill the cost of living, for women become the commercial sexual prostitution is one of alternatives they can do. On the other hand, Setara Foundation pays close attention that the existence of the commercial sexual prostitution in the streets have a bad impact to female street children. Children, especially those live in the street have direct contact with the commercial sexual prostitution, the brokers, and the pimps. There are plunging female street children in the prostitution. The prostituted children also affect others children to be trapped into prostitution. 

The closing of the brothels is not effective. In fact, not in a long time, both of brothels are re-opening the practice of prostitution although not having the regulation legally or otherwise is illegal. It is a surprising because the number of sexual workers is more than before closing. A social worker who works in the Sunan Kuning said that based on the data they have the number of brokers and commercial sexual worker is rising. Before Sunan Kuning was closed, it had 147 pimps and 350 commercial sexual workers. After re-opening, the amounts of them are increased to 150 pimps and 509 commercial sexual workers (Solopos 19 July 1999).

The practice of prostitution illegally in the red light areas without controlling and service from the state enable the children become the victims of CSEC by plunging them in the practice of prostitution. ILO-IPEC (2004) estimated 20% of commercial sexual worker in Sunan Kuning is children.

The existence of children who are prostituted in Semarang is not only in the streets, the café and prostitution complex, but as well as in the salon, massage parlors, discotheque, hotel, the place of billiards, and karaoke places. Prostituted children are also exist in the hidden practice of prostitution, by meaning not in one certain location nor do activity there but have connection directly with the consumers both personally or being organized.

As the illustration about this, there was revealed the sale of children for prostitution in 2001 by a woman who victimized six children who were studying in Junior High School and Senior High School. Two of these children (13 and 14 years old) are the perpetrator’s daughters. She worked with her friend whom acted as consumer seeker. “Booking” is carried by mobile phone and “orders” will be delivered directly to consumers. The operation areas are not only in Semarang but also to various cities including Jakarta (see Suara Merdeka Newpaper, 20 November 2001 and Kompas, 26 November 2001).

Now, the existences of the child who are prostituted in the public space in Semarang are not so prominent. In the area of Simpang Lima (especially around the the Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street and Ahmad Yani Street) which are the center of the crowd city, originally prostituted children are easily to be found. They usually are in the stalls of teapot (it is also called as pocinan) which are spreading since the economic crisis. However, the policy of the city government that makes serious effort to make this region is clean from the stall of teapot where as work place of prostitute children, apparently have succeeded. At least, the existence of the teapot stalls is not easy to be found.

Based on this situation, children who are prostituted in Simpang Lima changes their work pattern by riding motorcycle and using the service of brokers / intermediaries. This pattern means to avoid the arrest of the unit of the civil service’s police (Satpol PP).

Thing that need to be paid attention is the plunging children into prostitution in the hidden places and can only be accessed in limited. Thus, it needs the ability to uncover this kind of practice to save the children also do various prevention efforts so that children will not become victims.
2.2.2. Child Pornography

So far, there is no available data or dept information about the situation of child pornography in Semarang. Quarrying the information to various informants in the field of research more reveals the existence of internet cafes, which provides pornographic materials in the folders on their computer so that it is easy to be accessed by the consumers (including children) without accessing through internet. Information on pornography cases include the children in Semarang is not able to be traced and still can not be proven.

The research team gets information that in a settlement where one of program location of Setara Foundation, there is is a child who becomes the victim of pornography. The recording about the pornographic film, which is recorded by mobile phone, has been distributed by her boyfriend. When trying to contact the child, her family did not wan to give any information. According to the information from her neighbors, the child has been evacuated by her family to an unknown location.

Based on the information from the subjects of research, four subjects had been the victims of pornography. One subject was only victims of pornography, but not being victim of other forms of CSEC, while three others subjects besides becoming the victims of pornography, they also become victims of prostitution.

Nn (16 years), a female street child admitted she and her friend (15 years old) had been taken nude photos by foreigner who could not speak Indonesia. She was persuaded by her friend and asked to go to a house by taxi. After taking photos, she got Rp. 200,000,00.

Two subjects said they had been taken photos and recorded by their consumer.

(he seemed abnormal. When he was having sex, he took a photo. All women had been taken photos. He showed me the photos…) (Dn, 17 years old)

“It had been recorded by mobile phone. He said it for private collection…” (Jy, 23 years old)

One subject stated that she had worked three times as a semi-naked dancer in a discotheque in Semarang several years earlier.

“I was wearing uniform, red bra, black panties. Then I have to dance on the salon. When the guest gave tips, they did not put the money to my hand, but put into my bra. There was one hundred thousand, one hundred fifty thousand. When there were many guests, I could get tips one and a half million…” (Swr, 23 years old)

According to the cases above, the photography or the recording of the pornography film, which are claimed to private collections, but those things can be wide-spread quickly. Development of the technology enables that, both by mobile phones, which have a facility to send pictures and film or by internet. Various cases of spreading of the pornography material, which are revealed in Indonesia show that the subjects did not know about distribution of these materials.
2.2.3. Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes

Trafficking of children with a variety of exploitation purposes are believed has happened in a long time. However, the issue child trafficking / human trafficking is a new issue which being paid attention since 2000’s.

Indications about the existence of child trafficking particularly for sexual purposes were first raised by Setara Foundation based on its research in 1999 concerning female street children in Semarang. This refers to a case of female street children who were trafficked to Batam region (Shalahuddin, 2000). In the following year, based on the results of monitoring toward the children who became the subject of research formerly, Setara Foundation found 10 of female street children became victims of children trafficking for sexual purposes. In 2003, Setara Foundation recorded there was 14 female street children who were trafficked (Kompas, 13 December 2003). Based on the observed patterns, the recruitment and sending are carried out in small scale. It is usually about 4-6 children. The identified receiving area is Batam region. However, the research of Prabandari (2004) revealed there is the change of pattern and expansion of receiving area. The sending of children who are going to be trafficked involved in quite large number. Each sending from Semarang is in the range of 40-50 people (including children). This pattern shows the children trafficking practices has more been organized. In addition, the sending area is not only to Batam, but extends to Jakarta, Bangka, Surabaya, Kalimantan and foreign countries.

There are children trafficking cases (and women) which are uncovered by the police successfully. At the end of May 2004, District Police of Semarang and Sector Police of Ambarawa successfully arrested children trafficking syndicate (and women) which trafficked the victims into prostitution in Surabaya. The police arrested four members of the syndicate who are from Ambarawa and Surabaya. The rescue process in Surabaya, the police succeeded in saving two children (15 and 17 years old) and nine women who are in range of age between 18-24 years old. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were offered work with the salary Rp. 2,500,000.00 / month (Suara Merdeka, 1 June 2004).

Besides Semarang is the sending area, it is also receiving area for the victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The revealed case is case of two children who are 14 and 16 years old from Wonosobo and a child who is 15 years old from Kendal, which are trafficked to Sunan Kuning’s red light area. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were tempted because they were offered work with big salary by a man whom met them in around the victims’ residence (16 December 2004). The other case that just happened is a child (13 years old) who was raped by four people, and then she was sold and trafficked into prostitution complex in Gambilangu Semarang (Radar Semarang, 1 December 2007).

Based on the cases above, two of brothels in Semarang were legally closed in 1998, but there are practices of prostitution until now. It indicates there is no controlling towards inhabitants of the prostitution complex. In such of situation, it is possible that various children trafficking syndicates for sexual purposes take the chance in this situation.



Neues Kuh Projekt zur Armutsminderung, bei

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Bitte spendet für das folgende Projekt:

Ort: Ky Anh, Ha Tinh, Vietnam
Kategorie: Infrastruktur & Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Veröffentlicht: 24. September 2010 Projekt Kuh als Leihgabe

Anstelle eines Geldbetrages erhalten 5 arme Familien je eine Kuh als Leihgabe. Dabei handelt es sich um „Arbeits- und Fleischkühe“. Die Familie, die eine Projekt-Kuh erhält, ist verantwortlich dafür und kann sie als Arbeitstier für die Feldarbeit und als “Düngerlieferant” verwenden.

Das erste weibliche Kalb das geboren wird, muss in das Projekt “zurückgezahlt” werden. Von der Rückzahlung des ersten weiblichen Kalbes an, gehört die Leihgabe Kuh der Familie. Alle weiteren Kälber darf die Familie behalten und zum Aufbau einer eigenen Herde, damit zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Familie nutzen. Das zurückgezahlte Kalb wird als ‘Leihgabe Kuh’ an die nächste arme Familie weiterverliehen.

Der große Vorteil dieses Projektes ist, dass es sich nach der anfänglichen Investition selbst trägt und von den einheimischen Partnern auch selbständig weitergeführt werden kann.

Ort: Ky Anh Distrikt, Provinz Ha Tinh (eine der Ärmsten Provinzen in Vietnam), Nord Zentral Vietnam.

Zielgruppe: Bauern die ein Einkommen haben, welches sich zwischen 350.000 und 500.000VND (VND = Vietnam Dong) bewegt, etwa 14 bis 40€ pro Monat.
Begünstigte: Arme Bauernfamilien, Witwen, Familien mit behinderten Kindern.


1 Befähigung armer Familien, eine eigenen Kuhherde aufzubauen und zu versorgen.

2 Schrittweise Vergrößerung der Anzahl profitierender Familien durch einen nachhaltigen Leihkreislauf.

3 Beitrag zur schrittweisen Reduktion von Armut und Hunger durch Befähigung armer Familien, ihr Einkommen und ihren Lebens- standard zu verbessern.




Tierische Kunst unterstützt Spenden-Projekt von

Friday, September 24th, 2010

“Schon immer war ich auf der Suche, das Geschäftliche mit dem Gemeinnützigen zu verbinden. Schon lange habe ich die Projekte von beobachtet und habe dann schliesslich ein Projekt gefunden, das zu uns passt”. So der Geschäftsführer Ulrich Hoffmann von Tierische Kunst.

Tierische Kunst verkauft tierische Skulpturen wie Ferkel, Glücksschweine, Sparschweine und unter Anderem “lebensgroße Kühe. Seit Kurzem wird ein Betrag vom Verkauferlös einer lebengroßen Kuh an das Projekt “Projekt-Kuh”, das bei gelistet ist, zu überwiesen.

Demnächst, so der Verantwortliche der das Projekt in Vietnam leitet, in der gleichen Art ein Projekt mit Schweinen ins Leben rufen. Tierische Kunst hat bereits signalisiert auch dieses Projekt zu unterstützen.

Eine Idee lässt noch auf sich warten. Es werden bundesweite Künstler gesucht, die sich an einer tierischen Aktion beteiligen. Malen für ein gutes Spendenprojekt. So sollen unter Tierische Kunst limitierte, tierische Skulpturen einmalig angeboten werden die von Künstlern bemalt werden. Für einen guten Zweck versteht sich. Alle Künstler die sich angesprochen fühlen und sich der guten Sache zur Verfügung stellen wollen, sollen Sich bei Tierische Kunst melden.




Vom VWler in Kassel zum Kuhbanker am Ende der Welt

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Dieser Artikel wurde von meiner Freundin Jenni Roth geschrieben, wofür ich mich sehr bedanke, Jenni hat Ha Tinh besucht und weiß wie die Menschen dort leben. Ich bin gerührt das ich es wert bin, dass man einen Artikel über mich schreibt, denn ich bin ja nur meinem Herzen gefolgt.

Christian Ide ist 36 Jahre alt. Er hat einen top bezahlten Job bei VW (Volkswagen) auf Lebenszeit und gerade ein Haus gekauft, als er beschließt, das ihm das alles nicht reicht: Er geht in ein Provinzdorf in Nord-Zentralvietnam (das muss man bei einem so langen Land schon so sagen…), um eine Kuhbank zu eröffnen. Das Prinzip: Anstelle eines Geldbetrages erhält eine arme Familie von seiner Bank eine Kuh als Leihgabe.

„Sag dem Taxifahrer Ben Xe My Dinh“, sagt Christian, so heißt der Busbahnhof in Hanoi. Das Ticket kostet 140.000 Dong, also sechs, sieben Euro, die Fahrt im Schlafbus nach Ha Tinh dauert acht Stunden. Beim Einsteigen drückt mir der Busfahrer eine Tüte in die Hand. Ratlos stehe ich da und beschließe dann, einfach weitergehen. Er hält mich aufgeregt gestikulierend an, zeigt auf meine Füße. Die Tüte ist für die Schuhe da. Die Vietnamesen ziehen ihre Schuhe an der Haustür aus (genau wie die Finnen), warum also nicht auch im Bus…

Die Decke auf der Liege riecht nach Mensch und nicht eben frisch gewaschen. Der Bus wird immer voller. Zwischen den Liegen werden Plastikmatten ausgelegt, um Platz für noch mehr Passagiere zu schaffen. Beißender Schweißgeruch, Dauerklingeln der Handys. Ich bin die einzige Ausländerin im Bus, und alle reden im Stakkato auf Vietnamesisch aufgeregt ein. Und pausieren erst, als wir irgendwo in der Einöde für ein Pho halten und ich die erste „Frauen-Pissrinne“ meines Lebens sehe. Ein Steinfußboden mit leichter Neigung nach links.

Blonde Haare? Noch nie gesehen…In Ha Tinh fassen die Kinder meine Haare an. Blond, das haben sie noch nie gesehen. Straßenkinder sind in der Stadt mit ihren 100.000 Einwohnern noch Exoten. Kinder umstreunen mobile Garküchen, Büffel trotten über die Straße, vor den Toren der Stadt knattern Mopeds über die unbefestigten Wege und wirbeln roten Staub in die Luft. Doch unter dieser Oberfläche ruht unangetastet ein Schatz: Rund eine Milliarde Tonnen Eisenerz.

Die Region soll das größte Eisenerzabbaugebiet Südostasiens werden. Der taiwanesische Stahlriese Formosa erschließt schon das Gebiet zwischen Minen und Hafen und siedelt Bewohner zahlreicher Dörfer um. Die Industriezone der Zukunft.

Doch davon spüren die Dorfbewohner rund um die Provinzhauptstadt wenig. Es ist eine der ärmsten Regionen Vietnams. In dem Dorf Tam Quy etwa kommen die Bauern mit 350.000 bis 500.000VND (VND = Vietnam Dong) pro Monat aus – das sind 14 bis 40€. Damit leben viele von ihnen sogar unter der von den Vereinten Nationen definierten Grenze für „extreme Armut“.

Christian Ide kennt die Bauern, die Witwen und die Familien mit behinderten Kindern persönlich. Als er beschloss, in Vietnam ein neues Leben als Entwicklungshelfer anzufangen, bekam er über den Deutschen Entwicklungsdienst DED erst einmal eine Stelle in Ha Tinh an einer deutsch-vietnamesischen Berufsschule – die neuerdings auch von Siemens unterstützt wird: Der Konzern versorgt schon jetzt 50 Prozent der Containerkräne vietnamesischer Häfen. Wenn in Ha Tinh bald ein neuer Hafen entsteht, will er auch hier mit seinem elektronischen Paket einsteigen. Die von Siemens geschulten Experten könnten dann die Anlagen bedienen und warten.

Glückliche Besitzerin einer Leihkuh

Ein Projekt, auf das auch Christian am Herzen liegt. Aber noch persönlicher sind die Kühe. Und die Kaninchen. Als er vom Prinzip der Kuhbank hörte, beschloss er, selbst eine zu eröffnen. Das Prinzip: Fünf arme Familien erhalten anstelle eines Geldbetrages je eine Kuh als Leihgabe. Das Geld für die erste Kuh sammelte über das Online-Spendenportal Die begünstigten Familien sind verantwortlich für ihre Projekt-Kuh und können sie als Arbeitstier für die Feldarbeit und als “Düngerlieferant” verwenden.

Das erste weibliche Kalb der Kuh muss in das Projekt “zurückgezahlt” werden. Ab dieser Rückzahlung gehört die vorige Leihgabe Kuh der Familie. Alle weiteren Kälber darf die Familie behalten und zum Aufbau einer eigenen Herde, also zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Familie, nutzen. Das zurückgezahlte Kalb wird als ‘Leihgabe Kuh’ an die nächste arme Familie weiterverliehen.

Der Dorfbürgermeister bei einer Besprechung

Das Prozedere läuft demokratisch ab. Da sitzen dann die Familien mit dem Bürgermeister zusammen, trinken Tee, die Tabak-Bong geht von Mann zu Mann und dann wird abgestimmt, wer die Kuh am nötigsten hat. Eine klassische Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, die arme Familien befähigt, eine eigene Kuhherde aufzubauen und zu versorgen. Die Zahl der profitierenden Familien wächst stetig, Armut und Hunger können nachhaltig gemindert werden.

Kuhbanker Christian Ide

Seit neuestem sind auch Kaninchen im Geschäft. Diese „Kaninchenzuchtvereine“ sind eine Attraktion in Ha Tinh – die Menschen hatten noch nie ein Kaninchen gesehen, bevor Christian Ide die Kaninchenbank eröffnete. Was treibt diesen Ex-VWler, freiwillig hier zu sein, mitten in der Provinz? Wo nicht selten der Strom für Stunden, wenn nicht für Tage ausfällt. Die Wasserversorgung auch. Wo Christian von heute auf morgen aus seinem Haus ziehen muss, weil nebenan eine Klopapierfabrik gebaut wird.

Aber da ist das ‘Südchinesische Meer, in das er nach Feierabend abtauchen kann. Im Garten Bananen pflücken. Bambuswälder, Kokospalmen, schimmernde Reisfelder im Abendlicht. Vor allem aber: Menschen sind doch etwas anderes als Autos.

Informatinen und Bilder unter:



“Tết Trung Thu” the Moon Festival

Monday, September 20th, 2010

The Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam,


…also known as the Moon Festival, “Tết Trung Thu”, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnamese people, dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China’s Shang Dynasty. It was first called Zhongqiu Jie (literally “Mid-Autumn Festival”) in the Zhou Dynasty. In Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines, it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, which is usually around late September or early October in the Gregorian calendar. It is a date that parallels the autumnal equinox of the solar calendar, when the moon is supposedly at its fullest and roundest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the few most important holidays in the Vietnamese calendar. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally on this day, Vietnamese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomelos under the moon together. Accompanying the celebration, there are additional cultural or regional customs.

The tale on Hou Yi and Chang Er.

Once upon a time, there live two immortals in the Heaven, they are Hou Yi and Chang Er. Hou yi and Chang Er were lovers who goes through great obstacle before their love is approved by the Heaven.

The Heaven was ruled by the Jade Emperor and his Empress. One day, ten sons of Jade emperor accidentally transformed into the sun, and revolves around the earth playfully, causing great drought and suffering to the mortals below.

Worried and concern for the mortals, the Jade emperor summons the imperial archer, Hou Yi to help him solve the problem. Hou Yi then went to Earth and shot down nine of the Jade Emperor’s sons. The emperor had thought that Hou Yi would not harm any of his sons. Now that his sons are dead, the emperor was very furious. In anger, the emperor took away Hou Yi and his wife’s immortality and condemn them to live on Earth forever.

Chang Er was grief stricken with her loss of immortality. Hou Yi could not bear to see his saddened wife, and so, he decided to steal the immortality pill from the heavenly medicine manufacturer so that both of their immortality could be restored. He manage to steal the pill from heaven, and brought it to Chang Er. He told her that they only need to take half of the pills to regain immortality.

In the meantime, the Jade Emperor found out about the stolen immortality pill, and command an imperial guard to retrieve the pills and catch both Hou Yi and Chang Er so that he could punish them for their misdeed.

And so, the imperial guard went down to earth in pursuit of the couple and the pill of immortality. But the guard himself was tempted by the idea of immortality. So he waited until Hou Yi is not at home, and attacked Chang Er who is defenseless at home. He demanded for the pill but Chang Er refused to hand it to him. Hou Yi, who seems to forget his arrows went back home to get it and discovered that his wife is in danger. He fought the imperial guard courageously.

Unfortunately, Hou Yi is an archer, not a fighter. He was stabbed right in his heart in front of Chang Er. Chang Er was grief stricken, and wishes to die with her husband too. However, Hou Yi’s dying wish was for Chang Er to regain her immortality and live happily for all eternity.

So, Chang Er took out the pill from her sleeves and swallowed the whole pill so that the guard would not be able to get it and obtain immortality. Right after swallowing the pill, Chang Er started to float towards the sky, and after flying for some time, she landed on the moon. She cried and grieve for her husband’s death.

Her cries was heard by a group of Jade Bunnies that lives on the moon. They went to her and listened to her story. These Jade Bunnies were captivated by Chang Er’s beauty and kindness towards them, so they built a palace for her to stay, knowing that she could never return to Heaven or Earth. They hailed her as their goddess and pledge allegiance to her. These bunnies can be seen pounding on the face of the moon on some cooking utensil.

It is believed that these Jade Bunnies are trying to make resurrection pills so that they could revive their Goddess’s love. It’s said that the resurrection pills is shaped like a mooncake. But it’s not dictate anywhere on whether Hou Yi was revived or not, but in many folklore, it’s told that Chang Er would bestow blessing of love and happiness to lovers who pray hard and sincere enough to the moon during mid-autumn.

There’s only one Jade Bunny on the moon, and it’s actually the reincarnation of Chang Er’s husband. The Jade Empress took pity on the couple, and so reincarnate Hou Yi as a Jade Bunny so that Chang Er will not be lonely on the moon. That explains why Chang Er can always be seen with a bunny everywhere she goes on the moon.

The Jade Bunny is depicted as a creature that’s always pounding on the face of the moon, he said that the bunny is actually chopping a tree which is supposed to be indestructible. Only when he manage to chop down the tree, he will turn back into his original form, and only then, he and Chang Er would be forgiven by the heavenly beings and would be allowed to return to Heaven.

The story of Chang Er and Hou Yi touched many hearts, and with time, people started to celebrate mid-autumn festival by gathering their family and enjoy the sight of the harvest moon together over tea and mooncakes along with other delicacies




Join my adventure: Now live stream from Vietnam

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

Join my adventure: Live stream from Christian in Vietnam

I am Sorry, right now it works only with Windows Internet Explorer

Nun ist es soweit, ich möchte euch von Zeit zu Zeit mein Leben in Vietnam als Live Stream präsentieren. Bei besonderen Aktionen werde ich vorher eine Ankündigung machen über die genaue Zeit und das Thema der Ausstrahlung. Weiterhin möchte ich diesen Stream nutzen um über Vietnam, besonders Ha Tinh, Live zu berichten und Menschen in der ganzen Welt zu zeigen wie wunderschön es hier ist.

Ich wünsche allen viel Spaß bei den Live Streams.

Tune in now and choose my adventures live!

