Archive for September, 2010

Siemens Kooperation, Ha Tinh TV

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Erstes Meeting im Rahmen der Siemens Kooperation mit Siemens und der Deutsch Vietnamesiche Berufsschule Ha Tinh , Projektvideo Ha Tinh TV.





Employment-Oriented Reform Processes in TVET

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Employment-Oriented Reform Processes in TVET.

Training for teachers to develop curricula and teaching material in Technical Vocational Education and Training and establish a regional technical information system.

In the recent past, Vietnam has achieved impressive economic growth, although this varies  considerably between regions. The employment of large parts of the population is still precarious and their income is low. The structure of vocational training systems, the contents of training and further education courses, curricula and methods don’t always meet the demands of the labour market. In particular, a large number of people do not possess the qualifications that are increasingly required by the labour market and private companies. The provision of qualified staff as multipliers is a key contribution to the improvement of relevance and efficiency of vocational training oriented towards the labour market and the demands of the economy.
This programme consists of a mixture of short-term measures in Germany and Vietnam, accompanying inputs of trainers, and activities relating to the development of a regional technical information system which enables both national information exchange (in Vietnamese) and the trans-national exchange of information and experience (in English).

Target Group:
Vocational school teachers; company instructors; managers and decision-makers from public and private institutions and companies, or from higher authorities, industry and other associations

Partner Organizations:
Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA)
General Department of Vocational Training (GDVT)
GTZ Project “Promotion of Vocational Training”, Vietnam





Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

 …in der Provinzhauptstadt Ha Tinh, Nord Zentral Vietnam, ist mein Arbeitsplatz und ein Resultat der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Diese Berufsschule dient als Modell für das Land Vietnam und wird als Musterschule mit Deutscher Entwicklungshilfe des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) entwickelt.

Die Schule besteht aus einer Hauptschule und zwei Satelliten-Zentren, die sich in zwei großen Armutsbezirken Cam Xuyên Bezirk und Huong Son der Ha Tinh Provinz befinden.  Sie ist die einzige Berufsschule ihrer Art in der Provinz Ha Tinh.

Die Einrichtung verfügt über eine Nutzfläche von mehr als 12000 m². Davon sind 3.000 m² Erholungsfläche. Der Rest sind Theorie-,  Klassenzimmer, Büros, Mehrzwecksäle, Praxisgebäude, Studentenwohnheim, Kantine, etc. Unsere Schule bietet verschiedene schulische Berufsbildungsgänge auf Sekundarstufen Niveau I und II an.

Nach dem Projektbeginn 2002 ist die Schule nun in der Lage Langzeit- und Kurzzeitpraktikanten auszubilden, deren bisherige Anzahl an der Schule 2120 Langzeitauszubildende und mehr als 800 kurzfristige Auszubildende beträgt. In Bezug auf die Qualität der Ausbildung erreichen 85% der Absolventen jährlich sehr gute und gute Zeugnisse, über 60% der Schüler stammen aus ärmsten Verhältnissen und ihre Ausbildung wird durch den Staat finanziert.


Diese Berufsbildungsgänge variieren in  ihrer Dauer (ca.1-2 und 3-4 Jahre) und sind unterschiedlich stark mit theoretischem Fachwissen unterfüttert, wobei die  praxisbezogene Ausbildung sehr kurz kommt. Weiterhin ist es bei uns möglich, im Rahmen von non-formalen On-the-Job Lehrgängen handwerkliche Fertigkeiten zu erwerben, die ganz speziell der armen Landbevölkerung zu gute kommen. Nach Abschluss des Abiturs bzw. auch des Fachabiturs stehen den Absolventen verschiedene Hochschulstudiengänge offen.

Nach der Ausbildung werden die Azubis in Ha Tinh, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh und anderen Provinzen arbeiten. Unser Ziel ist es jedoch, die Auszubildenden nicht zur Landflucht zu zwingen, sondern Ihnen Märkte und Möglichkeiten in ihrem jeweiligen Umfeld zu erschließen. In der Provinz Ha Tinh werden die Absolventen in staatlichen und privaten Firmen sowie Familienbetrieben weiter beschäftigt.

Die Schule und ihre Entwicklung

Das Projekt hilft der Provinz Ha Tinh beim Aufbau und der Stabilisierung der beruflichen Bildung auf Provinzebene. Ich unterstütze mit anderen EZ Organisationen die Bereiche: Verwaltung, Entwicklung von Lehrplänen, Unterrichts-materialien, Verbesserung der Ausbildungsqualität sowie die Planung von Gebäuden, Anlagen und Ausrüstungen.
Das Ziel ist es, mit der Ausstattung den Auszubildenden und umliegenden Unternehmen so wie der armen Bevölkerung, langfristige und kurzfristige Schulungen sowie Ausbildungen in größerem Umfang anzubieten und so die Armut in den ländlichen Gebieten zu verringern.

Weiterhin ist geplant, eine intensivere Kooperation mit der  Industrie zu verwirklichen, um den Praxisbezug und eine starke Anpassung der Schule an die Industrie zu erreichen.
Durch die Ausbildungserweiterung soll die Armutsbekämpfung weiter fokussiert werde, die Angebote an Kurzzeit-ausbildungen wird Bauern in Ha Tinh die Möglichkeit geben, zwischen den Hauptarbeitszeiten, der Reisernte und der Aussaht, Einkommensmöglichkeiten durch Qualifizierung zu erreichen.

Weiterhin entwickeln wir gerade das Curriculum für die Mechatronikausbildung, analysieren den Bedarf an Materialien zur Ausbildungserweiterung, bauen neue Schulgebäude in der Haupt- und den Satellitenschulen und betreiben Vorbereitungs-planung, um neue Ausbildungsmaterialien in die Schulen einzubinden.

Die Schule ist nun bereit, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Schulen und Unternehmen weltweit zu beginnen. Wir streben Kooperationen an, um das Ausbildungsmodell zu erweitern, um den Technologietransfer zu ermöglichen, sowie zur weiteren Ausbildung von Lehrern.

Geplant sind es weiterhin,  Dienstleistungen und die Einführung von Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für die Absolventen anzubieten; dies für die Arbeit im Land oder im Ausland.

Bereiche in der beruflichen Bildung
* Maschinenbau:
– Metallverarbeitung,
– Schweißtechnik,        
– Autoreparatur.

* Elektro- und Elektronik:
– Elektrotechnik (Haushalte und Industrie),
– Industrieelektronik,
– Mechatronikausbildung wird gerade Aufgebaut,
– Ausweitung auf Solartechnik.

* Informations-Technologie:

– Computer-Technik,

– Informatik.
* Anderen Ausbildungsberufen:
– Bauwesen




Help Document the World`s Story

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

One Day on Earth Open Source Global Documentary Project Badge

Join us on 10.10.10 for an unprecedented event.

Every Nation, 24 hours, and You.

Across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period. By participating in this historic event, you will help capture the diversity of life and culture on this planet. Together we will create a document that is a gift to the world.

One Day on Earth is a documentary and new media project about the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one 24-hour period on Earth. More than a film, One Day on Earth is a multi-platform participatory media project. The flagship of this project is a 120-minute documentary to be released theatrically. Through the One Day on Earth platform we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates.




Hà Tĩnh Province

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Hà Tĩnh is a province on the north central coast of Vietnam.

Hà Tĩnh province is located in the northern part of central Vietnam, about 340 km south of Hanoi, facing Nghệ An Province to the north, Quảng Bình Province to the south, Laos to the west, and the Eastern Sea to the east.

The province consists of a provincial capital and a town named Hong Linh with 10 districts.

Cẩm Xuyên
Can Lộc
Đức Thọ
Hương Khê
Hương Sơn
Kỳ Anh
Lộc Hà (newly-established district on 7/2/2007 that combined parts of Can Lộc and Thạch Hà)
Nghi Xuân
Thạch Hà
Vũ Quang

Hà Tĩnh has many touristic locations of historical and cultural interest. It is home to national figures such as Mai Hắc Đế, Nguyễn Du, Nguyễn Công Trứ, Phan Đình Phùng, Hoàng Cao Khải, Trần Phú, Hà Huy Tập, Ngô Đức Kế, Xuan Tuu, Xuân Diệu, Huy Cận, Hoàng Xuân Hãn, Trần Trọng Kim, Nguyễn Khắc Viện, Nguyễn Khắc Niêm, Lê Khánh Đồng, Lê Khánh Căn, and Lê Văn Thiêm. Notable scenic areas include Vũ Môn Falls, Vũ Quang Garden, Kẻ Gỗ Lake, Sơn Kim hot springs, Đèo Ngang pass, Hương Tích Pagoda, Hòn Bớc, Hòn Lám, and beautiful beaches at Thiên Cầm, Ðèo Con, Xuân Thành, Chân Tiên, Nga ba Dong Loc, Khe Dao. Most of these are along the routes 1A and 8.

Hà Tĩnh is among the poorest provinces of Vietnam with 2008 GDP 420 USD/person/year. The poverty can be attributed to the harsh natural conditions with severe coldness in winter and extreme heat in summer, floods and storms every fall and unfavorable soil and natural resources. Agriculture, forestry and fishery takes up 35.5 percent of total GDP and the province’s GDP accounts for 0.7 percent of Vietnam’s GDP. Hà Tĩnh takes slow steps in economic reforms though better signs in recent time are incentive. Vung Ang harbour with some plants, factories and thermopower plant is becoming the most economic hub. Once being exploited, Thach Khe ore and iron mine is expected to be the motivation for Hà Tĩnh’s development.

The province’s name derives from Sino-Vietnamese (Hán tự: 河靜), meaning “river stability”.

External links
Hà Tĩnh province People’s Committee



Vung Ang: Convergence of “super projects”

22/09/2009 04:43 pm
CA – With an area of approximately 23 thousand hecta of 9 communes in Ky Anh District, Vung Ang has stored up to become the most developed economic zone of Ha Tinh province in future.
Located next to the South border of Ha Tinh province, Vung Ang economic zone is the farest area from Ha Tinh city. However, the largest capital scale projects of the country implemented by multi-national corporation like Formosa, TATA…; deepwater seaport plans as a dynamic for trading in the area; great human resource drawing plans have waken up Vung Ang with day by day changes.
A convergence of ” super project”

In the West of the economic zone, steel rolling plant of Van Loi Corporation is under completion stage that will provide products in beginning 2010. Adjacent to the East, Vung Ang Port I, concrete dams are standing firmly, separating mainland with deep blue water area.

Back to mountain, area of gas and petroleum storage of Vung Ang Oil and Petroleum Company which has been shaped with connected tanks, is finishing final items of operation building, being ready to supply gas and petroleum for the Economic Zone, Lao and North East provinces of Thai Lan.
In the other conner, Vung Ang thermal power plant I now is a large flat ground which is under construction of foundation.
Deputy Director of Management Board of Vung Ang Economic Zone Thai Van Hoa said: For 3 years since the establishment, we has drawn 70 investment projects to Vung Ang Economic Zone with total registered capital of 32.5 billion USD”.
Mr. Hoa said, apart from the steel rolling complex and Son Duong port with investment level of 7.9 billion USD, Formasa Corporation (Taiwan) now is studying to invest in a oil refinery and petrochemical complex with value of 12.4 billion USD, so far ranked as one of largest projects in the whole country.

Following Vung Ang Thermal Power Plant No. 1 having capacity of 1,200 MW with total investment capital of 1.2 billion USD which was implemented 2 years ago, LILAMA and PACO had received decision and approved to make investment to Vung Ang Thermal Power Plant No. 2 so as to create a Thermal Power Plant Center having total capacity of 4,800 MW with the capital of 3 billion USD.

Among billion USD projects, in Vung Ang Economic Zone, there are some projects in the stage of procedures finalization and waiting for license such as steel project of TATA (India) having capacity of 4.5 million tons/year, with total capital of 5 billion USD; or steel rolling project of Thach Khe Iron Ore Joint Stock Company having capacity of 2 million ton/year with total capital of 2 billion USD, etc.

In the investment promotion conference on 19th September at Ha Tinh recently, there are some big projects that are granted investment certificates such as Multi-sector industrial zone development project with the scale of 200 ha and service areas of 20 ha

According to Mr. Hoa, Vung Ang now has great numbers of big projects. Only taking into account the steel output of Formosa that is 7.5 million tons year, steel output of TATA is 4 million tons and Thanh Khe is 2 million tons, Van Loi is 500 thousand tons. Together with these super big projects, many auxiliary enterprises are speeding up the investment to the Economic Zone.

For Formosa Group, investment project to Ha Tinh always comes high in the list of priorities even in the stage of financial difficulty. Mr. Hoa said “Fee for land lease is paid by Formosa as schedule. The promise of constructing 20 schools for communes that their land was acquired by the project is still implementing”.

Speeding up the construction of infrastructure
Dam and water pipeline system is under urgent construction. Electricity system can meet the demand of enterprises. But for this economic zone, there are many things that need to be done.
Forming resettlement infrastructure for 1.864 households which have to relocate so that “new residence place is better than the old one” is not the works that can be done in short time. Mr. Hoa said “Resettlement faced some difficulties due to large areas of acquisition, and short time schedule. So it is necessary to construct infrastructure quickly”.

In order to do this, many resources are mobilized. From 2008 to date, support funds from the center to land clearance are about 1,150 billion VND. Besides that, there is capital from local budget.
Together with the speeding up of infrastructure development of the economic zone, construction of resettlement areas, construction of communal office, clinic, school, etc Project Management Board of Vung Ang Economic Zone also consults free of charge for the local people about house design, and introduces suitable materials to resettled people.
We mobilized enterprises in the province to sell construction material with wholesale price, gather goods and means of transportation at site for supporting the people, Deputy Manager of Project Management Board of Vung Ang Economic Zone said.
Waste treatment area of 30 ha for the Economic Zone had been planned. Japan side was assigned to do consultant works for waste water treatment system of the Economic Zone. Mr. Hoa said, by supporting people in all aspects, we are now changing awareness of local people in positive way so as to get agreement of the whole society.

Source: Vneconomy (Translated by H.T)

Contact me please if you are intressted to join Vunh Anh.



Now you know why I love Ha Tinh, north central Viet Nam

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010




What is the purpose of life?

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

What is the purpose of life? It is to become happy. Whatever country or society people live in, they all have the same deep desire: to become happy.

Yet, there are few ideals as difficult to grasp as that of happiness. In our daily life we constantly experience happiness and unhappiness, but we are still quite ignorant as to what happiness really is.A young friend of mine once spent a long time trying to work out what happiness was, particularly happiness for women. When she first thought about happiness she saw it as a matter of becoming financially secure or getting married. (The view in Japanese society then was that happiness for a woman was only to be found in marriage.) But looking at friends who were married, she realized that marriage didn’t necessarily guarantee happiness.

She saw couples who had been passionately in love suffering from discord soon after their wedding. She saw women who had married men with money or status but who fought constantly with their husbands.

Gradually, she realized that the secret of happiness lay in building a strong inner self that no trial or hardship could ruin. She saw that happiness for anyone – man or woman – does not come simply from having a formal education, from wealth or from marriage. It begins with having the strength to confront and conquer one’s own weaknesses. Only then does it become possible to lead a truly happy life and enjoy a successful marriage.

She finally told me, “Now I can say with confidence that happiness doesn’t exist in the past or in the future. It only exists within our state of life right now, here in the present, as we face the challenges of daily life.”

I agree entirely. You yourself know best whether you are feeling joy or struggling with suffering. These things are not known to other people. Even a man who has great wealth, social recognition and many awards may still be shadowed by indescribable suffering deep in his heart. On the other hand, an elderly woman who is not fortunate financially, leading a simple life alone, may feel the sun of joy and happiness rising in her heart each day.

Happiness is not a life without problems, but rather the strength to overcome the problems that come our way. There is no such thing as a problem-free life; difficulties are unavoidable. But how we experience and react to our problems depends on us. Buddhism teaches that we are each responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness. Our vitality – the amount of energy or “life-force” we have – is in fact the single most important factor in determining whether or not we are happy.

True happiness is to be found within, in the state of our hearts. It does not exist on the far side of some distant mountains. It is within you, yourself. However much you try, you can never run away from yourself. And if you are weak, suffering will follow you wherever you go. You will never find happiness if you don’t challenge your weaknesses and change yourself from within.

Happiness is to be found in the dynamism and energy of your own life as you struggle to overcome one obstacle after another. This is why I believe that a person who is active and free from fear is truly happy.

The challenges we face in life can be compared to a tall mountain, rising before a mountain climber. For someone who has not trained properly, whose muscles and reflexes are weak and slow, every inch of the climb will be filled with terror and pain. The exact same climb, however, will be a thrilling journey for someone who is prepared, whose legs and arms have been strengthened by constant training. With each step forward and up, beautiful new views will come into sight.

My teacher used to talk about two kinds of happiness – “relative” and “absolute” happiness. Relative happiness is happiness that depends on things outside ourselves: friends and family, surroundings, the size of our home or family income.

This is what we feel when a desire is fulfilled, or something we have longed for is obtained. While the happiness such things bring us is certainly real, the fact is that none of this lasts forever. Things change. People change. This kind of happiness shatters easily when external conditions alter.

Relative happiness is also based on comparison with others. We may feel this kind of happiness at having a newer or bigger home than the neighbors. But that feeling turns to misery the moment they start making new additions to theirs!

Absolute happiness, on the other hand, is something we must find within. It means establishing a state of life in which we are never defeated by trials and where just being alive is a source of great joy. This persists no matter what we might be lacking, or what might happen around us. A deep sense of joy is something which can only exist in the innermost reaches of our life, and which cannot be destroyed by any external forces. It is eternal and inexhaustible.

This kind of satisfaction is to be found in consistent and repeated effort, so that we can say, “Today, again, I did my very best. Today, again, I have no regrets. Today, again, I won.” The accumulated result of such efforts is a life of great victory.

What we should compare is not ourselves against others. We should compare who we are today against who we were yesterday, who we are today against who we will be tomorrow. While this may seem simple and obvious, true happiness is found in a life of constant advancement. And the same worries that could have made us miserable can actually be a source of growth when we approach them with courage and wisdom.

A person with a vast heart is happy.
Such a person lives each day with a broad and embracing spirit.
A person with a strong will is happy.
Such a person can confidently enjoy life, never defeated by suffering.
A person with a profound spirit is happy.
Such a person can savor life’s depths
while creating meaning and value that will last for eternity.
A person with a pure mind is happy.
Such a person is always surrounded by refreshing breezes of joy.

